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Liebe Mai Tai,

ich finde deinen Style und deinen Shop super und bin sehr froh dich auf IG entdeckt zu haben. Gestern kam meine erste Bestellung, natürlich ein Scarf-Ring und ein Fox-Kragen und ich war begeistert. Der Kragen ist so schön, dass ich ihn den ganzen Abend gestreichelt habe. Und ich denke er braucht noch Gesellschaft. Vielen Dank auch noch für die schnelle Lieferung und vor allem für die vielen Inspirationen, die du uns auf deinem Blog und in deinem Shop gibst.

Einfach super, viele Grüße aus Deutschland


I just wanted to write and thank you! My scarf ring is beautiful and together with the helpful videos on the website I now have so many ways to wear my scarves. I was struggling before, but now I have several go to options to showcase my carres!



I just received my Picotin bag insert and a couple of necklaces and I have to say they are fabulous!!! Such high quality for such affordable pieces. And the packaging!!!! I got such pleasure out of opening the box and finding everything so neatly and exquisitely packaged. I wish every business would package their items with so much care. I can truly tell you lovingly care for your company. I will definitely do business with Maitaicollection in the future. Thank you!!


Hello MTC

I have received my inserts today. They are beautiful and fits perfect!! Totally love them :)

Thank you so much.



Just received my third order and as usual every thing is fabulous- the packaging, the scarf rings, the customer communication – and the pearl statement necklace! It is so gooorgeous! Just what I needed to cheer myself up for my 64th birthday in two days :)
Thank you Tai!!

Deborah Bowers

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